Red Road


RED-ROAD is a Third & First Person CO-OP Vehicle-Based Horror-Shooter where players will take on the role of two survivors of a parasitic infection plaguing the lands of THE DEAD-ZONE. Using the PILLBUG, a heavily armoured vehicle they will swap between shooting & driving while attempting to reach and destroy the FLESH-MOTHER, the heart of the infection!

Project Info

  • Role: Gameplay/UI/AI/Network
  • Team Size: 6
  • Time frame: 4 Months
  • Engine: Unreal Engine 4.27
  • Langauge: C++ | Blueprints


In this project, being the only programmer in the team, I was responsible to implement every other game mechanics including the UI, AI and also to make the game networked. As this was our first networking project for all of the team members, my main focus was to craft a seamless and synchornized multiplayer experience for the players.

My tasks for this project were:

  • Engineered the game's networking infrastructure, leveraging Online SubSystem STEAM and NULL for fluid local and online multiplayer engagements
  • Crafted animated Main Menu and responsive in-game HUD using UMG and CommonUI, and implemented multihtreaded asynchronous loading screen using SLATE, SCompoundWidget and UDeveloperSetting for seamless transisitons
  • Pioneered distinctive AI behavior patterns using UBlackboard and UAISense classes, substantially elevating the game's interactivity and challenges
  • Tailored arcade-style car physics using Unreal Engine's Vehicle Component, specifically suited to the game's requirements
  • Played a key role in shaping the core gameplay loop and systems, contributing to a cohesive and captivating game structure

Asynchronous Loading Screen

To enhance the player experience with seamless transitions, I employed the Movie Player feature, which operates on a dedicated thread, to present engaging loading screens during map loads. This choice allowed for uninterrupted, smooth animations and visuals, ensuring the loading process was both visually appealing and non-disruptive to the gameplay experience. Recognizing the limitations of UMG, which runs on the game thread and could potentially hinder asynchronous loading, I opted to utilize Slate for the creation of these loading screens. Slate's flexibility and lower-level access provided the necessary performance optimization, allowing for a responsive and polished loading sequence.

void URedRoadGameInstance::BeginLoadingScreen(const FString& Mapname)

SlateLoadingScreenInstance = nullptr;
LoadingScreen = FLoadingScreenAttributes();

LoadingScreen.bAutoCompleteWhenLoadingCompletes = true;
LoadingScreen.bMoviesAreSkippable = false;
LoadingScreen.bWaitForManualStop = false;	
LoadingScreen.MinimumLoadingScreenDisplayTime = 10.0f;	

SlateLoadingScreenInstance = SNew(URedRoadLoadingScreen);	
LoadingScreen.WidgetLoadingScreen = SlateLoadingScreenInstance.ToSharedRef();


void URedRoadGameInstance::EndLoadingScreen(UWorld* LoadedWorld)

SlateLoadingScreenInstance->bIsLevelLoaded = true;	
void URedRoadLoadingScreen::Construct(const FArguments& InArgs)
        const ULoadingScreenDeveloperSettings* Settings = GetDefault();
        if(!Settings || !Settings->BackgroundBrush.GetResourceObject()) return;                     
        SAssignNew(ImageSwitcherRef, SWidgetSwitcher);
        SAssignNew(ProgressBarRef, SProgressBar)
        SAssignNew(LoadingTextBlockRef, STextBlock)
            .Padding(200.0f, 200.0f, 200.0f, 200.0f)
            .Padding(FMargin(200.0f, 10.0f, 0.0f, 160.0f)) // Adjust padding
            .HAlign(HAlign_Left) // Center align horizontally
            .VAlign(VAlign_Bottom) // Align to the bottom
            .Padding(FMargin(200.0f, 5.0f, 0.0f, 140.0f)) // Adjust padding for size and position
                .HeightOverride(20.0f) // Set a fixed height for the progress bar
                .WidthOverride(1200.0f) // Set a fixed width for the progress bar
                .VAlign(VAlign_Center) // Align vertically to center within the slot
                .Padding(0.0f, 0.0f, 5.0f, 0.0f) // Add padding to the right of the text for spacing
                .VAlign(VAlign_Center) // Align vertically to center within the slot
                    // Adjust RenderTransform if necessary, or remove if not needed
                    //.RenderTransform(FVector2D(0.0f, 70.0f)) 

Dynamic UI

Understanding the critical importance of UI in gaming, our team was dedicated from the beginning to creating a user interface that not only functions seamlessly but also significantly enhances player interaction. Recognizing that the player's initial contact with the game occurs through the Main Menu, we prioritized its design to ensure a positive and engaging first impression. Following this, the in-game HUD becomes the continuous point of interaction, guiding the player through gameplay, actions, and objectives. To achieve a dynamic and responsive UI, I leveraged Unreal Engine's UMG (Unreal Motion Graphics) combined with the CommonUI plugin. This integration facilitated sophisticated layout and design capabilities, enabling us to implement compelling UI animations triggered by specific player actions

Dynamic Main-Menu
Responsive In-game HUD

Steam and Local Multiplayer Networking

For our cooperative driving shooter game, ensuring a seamless multiplayer experience was paramount. To accomplish this, I integrated the Online Subsystem Steam & NULL, facilitating players to connect and play together effortlessly. Additionally, I implemented a lobby system, designed to enable players to create, manage, and join lobbies with ease. This setup not only simplifies the process of connecting players but also enhances their overall gaming experience by making it more inclusive and accessible.

// function to create a session
void URedRoadGameInstance::CreateServer(FString ServerName, FString HostName)
FCoreUObjectDelegates::PreLoadMap.AddUObject(this, &ThisClass::BeginLoadingScreen);
FCoreUObjectDelegates::PostLoadMapWithWorld.AddUObject(this, &ThisClass::EndLoadingScreen);

UE_LOG(LogTemp, Warning, TEXT("Session Created"));
FOnlineSessionSettings SessionSettings;
// allows to join in between of the session
SessionSettings.bAllowJoinInProgress = true;
SessionSettings.bUseLobbiesIfAvailable = true;

// not using a dedicated server
SessionSettings.bIsDedicated = false;

// we are using steam so it is false
if(IOnlineSubsystem::Get()->GetSubsystemName() != "NULL")
UE_LOG(LogActor, Warning, TEXT("Calling the notNullFunction"));
SessionSettings.bIsLANMatch = false;		

// is we are using LAN, to use lan go to defaultEngine.ini and change subsystem from Steam to NULL and vice versa
UE_LOG(LogActor, Warning, TEXT("Calling the NullFunction"));
SessionSettings.bIsLANMatch = true;

SessionSettings.bShouldAdvertise = true;
SessionSettings.bUsesPresence = true;
SessionSettings.NumPublicConnections = 2;

// creating custom server and host name, using key and value like a dictionary, key is the field name and the value is the actual name that user typed
SessionSettings.Set(FName("SERVER_NAME_KEY"), ServerName, EOnlineDataAdvertisementType::ViaOnlineServiceAndPing);
SessionSettings.Set(FName("SERVER_HOSTNAME_KEY"), HostName, EOnlineDataAdvertisementType::ViaOnlineServiceAndPing);

// creating the session using ISessionInterface
SessionInterface->CreateSession(0, DefaultSessionName, SessionSettings);

// function to join a session
void URedRoadGameInstance::FindServers()
UE_LOG(LogTemp, Warning, TEXT("Joined Server"));
SessionSearch = MakeShareable(new FOnlineSessionSearch());

// because it is steam
if(IOnlineSubsystem::Get()->GetSubsystemName() != "NULL")	
SessionSearch->bIsLanQuery = false;

// if we are using LAN
SessionSearch->bIsLanQuery = true;

// Because we use a common steam ID we use big search results
SessionSearch->MaxSearchResults = 100000;
SessionSearch->QuerySettings.Set(SEARCH_PRESENCE, true, EOnlineComparisonOp::Equals);

// finds the sessions over the network
SessionInterface->FindSessions(0, SessionSearch.ToSharedRef());	
void URedRoadGameInstance::JoinServer(int32 ArrayIndex)
FOnlineSessionSearchResult Result =  SessionSearch->SearchResults[ArrayIndex];

FCoreUObjectDelegates::PreLoadMap.AddUObject(this, &ThisClass::BeginLoadingScreen);
FCoreUObjectDelegates::PostLoadMapWithWorld.AddUObject(this, &ThisClass::EndLoadingScreen);

UE_LOG(LogTemp, Warning, TEXT("Joining server at index: %d"), ArrayIndex);
SessionInterface->JoinSession(0, DefaultSessionName, Result);		
UE_LOG(LogTemp, Warning, TEXT("Failed to join server at index: %d"), ArrayIndex);

void URedRoadGameInstance::DestroyServer()
const UWorld* world = GetWorld();

FCoreUObjectDelegates::PreLoadMap.AddUObject(this, &ThisClass::BeginLoadingScreen);
FCoreUObjectDelegates::PostLoadMapWithWorld.AddUObject(this, &ThisClass::EndLoadingScreen);

if(SessionInterface.IsValid() && IsValid(world))
// if its the server destroys the session for both server and client so both return to the main menu
// gets the current session name and if it exists destroy the current session
const FNamedOnlineSession* ExistingSessionName = SessionInterface->GetNamedSession(DefaultSessionName);
if(ExistingSessionName != nullptr)
UE_LOG(LogActor, Warning, TEXT("Destroyed the Session: %s"), *DefaultSessionName.ToString());

// if its the client it takes the client to the main menu instead so that the session is still there and the only the client leaves
APlayerController* PlayerController = UGameplayStatics::GetPlayerController(GetWorld(), 0);
//PlayerController->ClientReturnToMainMenuWithTextReason(NSLOCTEXT("GameMessages", "UserQuits","User Quit the Game"));

Custom AI Sense

In response to our game design objectives, we identified the necessity for an AI system capable of dynamically responding to the player's car location. Our goal was to elevate engagement by ensuring enemies spawn from the nearest spawner relative to the player, thereby also optimizing AI behavior for a more fluid gaming experience. To achieve this, I utilized the UAISense module within Unreal Engine, establishing a Listener & Stimulus relationship between the player's vehicle and the primary adversary. This approach allowed for precise detection of the car's location, effectively registering the vehicle's stimulus with the AI listener. This strategic implementation not only enhances the gameplay by introducing adaptive challenges but also significantly improves performance by optimizing enemy deployment based on the player's movements.

void UAISense_DetectCarLocation::OnNewListenerImpl(const FPerceptionListener& NewListener)
    UAIPerceptionComponent* NewListenerPtr = NewListener.Listener.Get();
    const UAISenseConfig_DetectCarLocation* SenseConfig = Cast(NewListenerPtr->GetSenseConfig(GetSenseID()));
    // Consume properties
    FDigestedPlayerProperties PropertyDigest(*SenseConfig);
void AAI_FleshMother::SpawnEnemyWithDelay_Implementation()
    if(SpawnedEnemyCount >= MaxEnemyCount || !IsValid(GetWorld()) || !Vehicle.IsValid()) return;	
    float ClosestDistance = FLT_MAX;

    for (AActor* ActorSpawner : EnemySpawners)
        AEnemySpawner* Spawner = Cast(ActorSpawner);
        const float Distance = FVector::Dist(Vehicle->GetActorLocation(), Spawner->GetActorLocation());
        if (Distance < ClosestDistance)
            ClosestSpawner = Spawner;
            ClosestDistance = Distance;
    if (ClosestSpawner)
        EnemySpawnLocation = ClosestSpawner->GetActorLocation();
        //GEngine->AddOnScreenDebugMessage(-1, 5.f, FColor::Red, FString::Printf( TEXT("Spawning enemies using spawner: %s at location (%f, %f, %f)"), *ClosestSpawner->GetName(), EnemySpawnLocation.X, EnemySpawnLocation.Y, EnemySpawnLocation.Z));
    const int NumOfEnemiesToSpawn = MaxEnemyCount;
    EnemiesToSpawn = FMath::Min(NumOfEnemiesToSpawn, MaxEnemyCount - SpawnedEnemyCount);

        CurrentEnemySpawnned = 0;
        GetWorld()->GetTimerManager().SetTimer(SpawnTimerHandle, this, &AAI_FleshMother::SpawnEnemy, SpawnDelay, true);		

Enemy Blackboard & Behaviour Tree

For our AI design, which initially featured complex behaviors including jumping on and dismantling vehicles, I implemented the UBlackboard and UBehaviorTree modules from Unreal Engine. These tools were chosen for their ability to efficiently manage multiple AI states, essential for our initial ambitious design where AI enemies would aggressively engage with the player's vehicle, with only the nearest enemy attempting to jump on the vehicle while others maintained pursuit. However, due to time constraints and prioritization of other game mechanics, we streamlined the AI to a simpler, yet still engaging, chase and attack system. This decision allowed us to focus on refining core gameplay elements while ensuring the AI remained a compelling aspect of the player experience.

void UAI_IsVehicleInAttackRange::OnBecomeRelevant(UBehaviorTreeComponent& OwnerComp, uint8* NodeMemory)
    Super::OnBecomeRelevant(OwnerComp, NodeMemory);
    // get the AI controller
    const AAI_MeleeEnemyController* AIController = Cast(OwnerComp.GetAIOwner());
    const AAI_MeleeEnemy* AICharacter = Cast(AIController->GetPawn());

    // get the player character
    AVehiclePawn* Vehicle = Cast(UGameplayStatics::GetActorOfClass(GetWorld(), AVehiclePawn::StaticClass()));

    // write true or false depending on whether the player is within melee range
    AIController->GetBlackboard()->SetValueAsBool(Blackboard_keys::bIsPlayerInAttackRange, AICharacter->GetDistanceTo(Vehicle) <= MeleeRange);

UAI_MeleeAttack::UAI_MeleeAttack(const FObjectInitializer& ObjectInitializer)
	NodeName = TEXT("Melee Attack");

EBTNodeResult::Type UAI_MeleeAttack::ExecuteTask(UBehaviorTreeComponent& OwnerComp, uint8* NodeMemory)
	// gets the AI Character
	const AAIController* AIController = OwnerComp.GetAIOwner();
	AAI_MeleeEnemy* AICharacter = Cast(AIController->GetPawn());
	FinishLatentTask(OwnerComp, EBTNodeResult::Succeeded);
	return EBTNodeResult::Succeeded;

bool UAI_MeleeAttack::MontageHasFinished(const AAI_MeleeEnemy* AIEnemy)
	return AIEnemy->GetMesh()->GetAnimInstance()->Montage_GetIsStopped(AIEnemy->GetMontage());

Vehicle Component

In developing our game, which features vehicles equipped with mounted guns, capturing the essence of retro arcade-style car physics was a key focus to ensure the gameplay felt both nostalgic and dynamic. Initially, I embarked on creating a custom vehicle movement component tailored to embody simple, arcade-like physics. However, as development progressed, this custom approach presented numerous challenges, clashing with other game mechanics and proving unsustainable within our project timeline.

Collaborating closely with my designer, Myah, we pivoted to leverage Unreal Engine's built-in Vehicle component. This shift required us to iterate extensively on the car's behavior to align with our vision, but ultimately, it proved to be a successful strategy. Despite the change in direction, this decision allowed us to achieve the desired balance between the game's vehicle dynamics and other gameplay mechanics. We emerged satisfied with the outcome, confident that we had crafted an engaging and cohesive driving experience that resonated with our retro arcade inspiration.

Initial Iteration - Custom Vehicle Movement
Iterations with Unreal's Vehicle Movement Component

AutoRename Pipeline Tool

Right from the outset of development, our team recognized the critical importance of adhering to consistent naming conventions and an organized folder structure to ensure maintainability and orderliness throughout the project's lifespan. It quickly became evident that manually renaming assets and files upon creation or importation in the engine, to comply with these conventions, would be a repetitive and time-consuming task. To streamline this process and enhance our workflow efficiency, I developed an AutoRenaming Pipeline tool using Python for the editor. This tool renames all selected assets and blueprints to align with our predefined naming conventions, significantly reducing manual effort and ensuring consistent adherence to our organizational standards.

import unreal
def get_selected_assets():
    editor_utility = unreal.EditorUtilityLibrary()
    selected_assets = editor_utility.get_selected_assets()
    return selected_assets

def generate_new_name(asset): 
    rename_config = {
        "prefixes_per_type": [
            {"type": unreal.MaterialInstance, "prefix": "MI_"},
            { "type": unreal.Material, "prefix": "M_" },
            { "type": unreal.Texture, "prefix": "T_" },
            { "type": unreal.NiagaraSystem, "prefix": "NS_" }

    name = asset.get_name()
    print(f"Asset {name} is a {type(asset)}")

    for i in range(len(rename_config["prefixes_per_type"])):
        prefix_config = rename_config["prefixes_per_type"][i]

        prefix = prefix_config["prefix"]
        asset_type = prefix_config["type"]

        if isinstance(asset, asset_type) and not name.startswith(prefix):
            return prefix + name

    # Type not important for us
    return name

def rename_assets(assets):
    for i in range(len(assets)):
        asset = assets[i]

        old_name = asset.get_name()
        asset_old_path = asset.get_path_name()
        asset_folder = unreal.Paths.get_path(asset_old_path)

        new_name = generate_new_name(asset)
        new_path = asset_folder + "/" + new_name
        if new_name == old_name:
            print(f"Ignoring {old_name} as it alredy has the correct names")
        print(f"Renaming {old_name} to {new_name}")
        rename_success = unreal.EditorAssetLibrary.rename_asset(asset_old_path, new_path)
        if not rename_success:
            unreal.log_error("Could not rename" + asset_old_path)

def run():                                    
    selected_assets = get_selected_assets()